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Afstudeer project

Team App

Ik vind het activeren, stimuleren en begrijpen van mijn project teams cruciaal om een goed project te kunnen draaien.


Tijdens mijn afstuderen ben ik opzoek gegaan naar een manier om efficiënt maar ook veilig meer inzicht te krijgen in wat er goed en slecht gaat volgens mijn teamleden.


Clues is een concept voor een speelse app waarmee teams om de zoveel dagen een kleine check-up kunnen doen.

Google Backstage

Designer | Location Manager

Experience Room

Together with the Sherlocked team we made an experience for Google.


The room was designed and build with a few goals in mind:

"Show users how Google uses their data to personlise their online experience."


"Show users how they can control their personal flow of information by changing their privacy settings"



Minecraft Server

Designer | Admin | Community

Community Projects

I have been hosting community servers and custom minecraft events for over 8 years now. It takes alot of planning and design to make something amazing!



What happens when you drop 45 Minecraft players on a tiny cube with limited resources and no social rules? Will the players organize or start chaos and war?




Lead Designer | Management

Platformer Game

"How much freedom are you prepared to sacrifice for a friend"


That is the question we wanted players to experience and awnser in this 3D platformer.


Host | Editor | Community

Creating content and events to share the joy of gaming!

Alot of work goes into managing an 18,000+ subscriber Youtube channel!

Youtube Channel
Design Praat

Host | Community


A weekly podcast in which Herman & I talk about design challenges and projects. We also invite lots of interessting guest to share their experiences. 



Developer | Designer | Researcher

Custom Controller

Become the Visual Jockey for Tivoli Vredenburg in Utrecht. Door te drukken en schuiven in ritme samen met een medespeler controlleer je het licht op de zijkant van Tivoli

Anker 2
Doorbell at GriDD

Producer | Design | Development

Physical Installation

We where asked to:

"Enhance the physical space and improve the stakeholder's experience at GriDD in Utrecht"

Art Gallery


Digital Drawings

In my spare time I tend to draw a lot of pictures. Here you can see a collection of them.




Positive Mirror

Researcher | Developer | Designer

Eye Tracking

How can we help people with poor



This mirror recognizes when you look at yourself and responds with a positive message!

Drink It!

Teamleader | Developer | Designer

Smart Faucet

High school students don't drink enough. So we made "Drink It". 

An interactive mirror and smart faucet for high school toilets. If they drink or fill a bottle with water they get rewarded with a fun animation.

Rainy Room

Sound Design

Video Mapping

We changed an ugly little room together with a team of 3D artists into an amazing short experience.

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